ProQuest offers subscribers the following user trainings online. The trainings take 45 to 60 minutes and they will be held through WebEx online negotiation Program (Guide: The trainings will be held in English.
Ebook Central
Mon 30.3.2020 at 11.00
The training includes search functions, taking notes and downloading e-books.
WebEx link:
Meeting password: 2mbU2hcffg6
O´Reilly for Higher Education (prev. Safari Technical Books Online)
Mon 31.3.2020 at 11.00
The training includes the contents of the service and its utility tools.
Meeting password: z2MqFmmmE63
Tue 31.3.2020 at 14.00
The training includes different ways of importing references to Refworks, Write-N-Cite utility program, sharing references and projects.
WebEx link:
Meeting password: 9EpMuyXqp28
Sign-up is not required for the trainings. Welcome aboard!
Tue 31.3.2020 at 20.00
You can also join a RefWorks remote learning session in the evening. For this webinar, please register in advance
A recording of the session will be sent out to all who have registered.