Zotero and Mendeley are free reference management software that you can use to save and organize your references as well as add citations to your text and create a bibliography with the citation style you choose. After this session, you will know the basics of Zotero and Mendeley, for example, how references are added and how they are used with Microsoft Word. The session is meant for both students and staff.
Time: 12th of February at 4.00–5.00 pm
Place: Zoom (password: 860635)
No registration needed. Welcome!
The same tutorials are held in Finnish and Swedish:
In Finnish: 11th of February at 4.00–5.00 pm. More information: Viitteidenhallintaohjelmat Zotero ja Mendeley tutuksi tunnissa
In Swedish: 13th of February at 4.00–4.30 pm. More information: Kom igång med Zotero