
Summer opening hours 28.05.2014

Tri­to­nia's sum­mer open­ing hours begin on June 1. The unit on Yliopis­ton­ranta is open Mon-Thu 10-17 in June and Au­gust,  self-ser­vice from 10 to 12. In July the unit is closed.

News archive

Ca­bells Preda­tory Re­ports now avail­able 16.12.2024
Data­base sub­scrip­tions ex­pir­ing at the end of the year: HSTalks and West­law 13.12.2024
Ex­cep­tional open­ing hours in De­cem­ber and Jan­u­ary 28.11.2024
Get started with Zotero and Mende­ley in an hour 26.11.2024
Dis­tur­bances with our email 13.09.2024
New LibGuide to sup­port re­search 03.09.2024
The OECD iLi­brary is now Open Ac­cess 19.08.2024
New e-books in Finna! 08.08.2024
Tri­to­nia opens 5 Au­gust 02.08.2024
Sum­mer open­ing hours 06.06.2024
Open­ing hours in June 31.05.2024
Trial ac­cess to HeinOn­line 21.05.2024
Do you al­ready know LibKey tools? Quicker ac­cess to ar­ti­cles with AI help 20.05.2024
Ex­cep­tions to open­ing hours 23.04.2024
The­seus out of use 22.-23.4.2024 18.04.2024
Changes in the va­lid­ity pe­riod of the li­brary cards 02.04.2024
Easter open­ing hours 22.03.2024
Main­te­nance break in El­libs 18 March 18.03.2024
EBSCO’s tech­nol­ogy & en­gi­neer­ing data­bases on trial 14.03.2024
Are you writ­ing your the­sis? 13.03.2024
FinELib reaches agree­ments with El­se­vier, IEEE, and Emer­ald 07.03.2024
New e-re­sources for Uni­ver­sity of Vaasa 12.01.2024
FinELib: New agree­ments in the hori­zon 12.01.2024
Merry Christ­mas and a Happy New Year! 15.12.2023
Ex­cep­tional open­ing hours in De­cem­ber and Jan­u­ary 07.12.2023
FinELib's open pub­lish­ing agree­ments ter­mi­nat­ing – can­cel­la­tions pos­si­ble 29.11.2023
The li­brary is closed 6.12 29.11.2023
FinELib ne­go­ti­a­tions: Look­ing for bet­ter value 15.11.2023
SAE Mo­bilus on trial 11.09.2023
Finna in 15 min­utes 17.08.2023
Changes in the Tri­to­nia-Finna search ser­vice 11.08.2023
The li­brary premises are in use be­tween 6 a.m. and 12 p.m. 07.08.2023
Changes in the Tri­to­nia-Finna search ser­vice 04.08.2023
Sum­mer open­ing hours 22.05.2023
Ex­cep­tional open­ing hours in May 27.04.2023
Tools for jour­nal eval­u­a­tion - Ca­bells Jour­n­a­lyt­ics and Preda­tory Re­ports on trial 26.04.2023
Busi­ness Source Ul­ti­mate on trial 11.04.2023
Quicker ac­cess to ar­ti­cles: LibKey and BrowZine on trial 03.04.2023
Easter open­ing hours 17.03.2023
The e-mail ad­dresses to Tri­to­nia will change 23.02.2023
Share your opin­ion about our Finna and win a Mu­seum Card! 27.01.2023
Vir­tual guided tour in the li­brary 26.01.2023
The­sis work­shops for VAMK stu­dents dur­ing the spring 24.01.2023
Tri­to­nia and pos­si­ble power cuts dur­ing the win­ter 23.01.2023
SFS On­line now avail­able for Uni­ver­sity of Vaasa 18.01.2023
Delay in de­liv­er­ing re­quested books from the re­mote stacks 17.01.2023
Delay in de­liv­er­ing re­quested books from the re­mote stacks 13.01.2023
Books be­long­ing to the Fac­ulty of Law of Uni­ver­sity of Helsinki are re­lo­cated to Vaasa city li­brary 28.11.2022
Ex­cep­tional open­ing hours in De­cem­ber and Jan­u­ary 22.11.2022
In­ter­na­tional Open Ac­cess Week 24-30.10.2022 18.10.2022
What is Taiko­fon? What about Somat? 26.09.2022
Take a sur­vey and in­flu­ence the li­brary ser­vices! 20.09.2022
The­sis work­shops for VAMK stu­dents dur­ing the au­tumn 13.09.2022
Changes in the reg­is­tra­tion of The­ses in The­seus 08.09.2022
The re­turn box at the new Tri­to­nia 08.08.2022
Launch of VAMK's the­sis work­shop 13.05.2022
Busi­ness Source Ul­ti­mate on trial 28.03.2022
Pro­Quest data­base we­bi­nars 09.03.2022
The li­brary is mov­ing - Fol­low the whole process here 11.02.2022
Are you al­ready fa­mil­iar with HSTalks? The Busi­ness & Man­age­ment Col­lec­tion avail­able at Uni­ver­sity of Vaasa 08.02.2022
Sci­Val now avail­able at Uni­ver­sity of Vaasa 08.02.2022
Move your Re­f­works ref­er­ences to an­other tool by 28 Feb­ru­ary 2022! 25.01.2022
MOT Dic­tio­nar­ies old user in­ter­face will close down on 31 De­cem­ber, 2021 17.12.2021
Ex­cep­tional open­ing hours in De­cem­ber and Jan­u­ary 02.12.2021
Re­f­Works sub­scrip­tion ends 31 De­cem­ber 2021 – move your ref­er­ences to an­other tool! 30.11.2021
Sci­Val on trial at Uni­ver­sity of Vaasa 16.11.2021
Tri­to­nia 20 years 22.09.2021
Wel­come, new stu­dent! 27.08.2021
E-re­sources on trial at VAMK 06.05.2021
E-re­sources on trial at Uni­ver­sity of Vaasa 06.05.2021
HSTalks: The Busi­ness & Man­age­ment Col­lec­tion on trial at Uni­ver­sity of Vaasa 20.04.2021
New e-re­source for Uni­ver­sity of Vaasa - Sage Re­search Meth­ods 09.02.2021
Ox­ford Uni­ver­sity Press Jour­nals avail­able for Uni­ver­sity of Vaasa 21.01.2021
New e-books and e-jour­nals for VAMK 14.01.2021
Iris.​ai work­shop for Uni­ver­sity of Vaasa - Get started with you AI re­search as­sis­tant 12.01.2021
Ex­cep­tional open­ing hours in De­cem­ber and Jan­u­ary 10.12.2020
ÅAU col­lec­tions will be moved to Acad­e­mill in De­cem­ber 02.12.2020
Iris.​ai work­shops for Uni­ver­sity of Vaasa 16.11.2020
Cel­e­brate Open Ac­cess Week with ORCID 22.10.2020 at 5-6 PM 21.10.2020
Up­date of Tri­to­nia’s li­brary sys­tem 15.10 – li­brary func­tions in Finna out of use 12.10.2020
Book pickup point for stu­dents and staff 05.10.2020
Wel­come, new stu­dent! 25.08.2020
Covid-19 re­stric­tions from 1st of Feb­ru­ary 21.08.2020
Study­ing on dis­tance? In­for­ma­tion on li­brary ser­vices for dis­tance stu­dents 21.08.2020
WARC data­base ac­quired for Uni­ver­sity of Vaasa 18.08.2020
Tri­to­nia Vaasa open with lim­ited ser­vice 15.05.2020
Pub­lish­ers open ad­di­tional re­sources dur­ing the Corona pan­demic 08.04.2020
Lim­ited book pickup ser­vice in Vaasa 30.03.2020
Pro­Quest data­base train­ings on­line 25.03.2020
Tri­to­nia closed - on­line ser­vices avail­able 16.03.2020
Take the user sur­vey and win an Oura Ring! 09.03.2020
MOT Kieli­palvelu re­newed 03.03.2020
Boost your in­for­ma­tion search with AI – pilot use of Iris.​ai 18.02.2020
Li­brary ser­vices dur­ing self-ser­vice hours 30.01.2020
Progress in ne­go­ti­a­tions with Tay­lor & Fran­cis – re-es­tab­lished ac­cess to col­lec­tions 17.01.2020
Finnish news­pa­pers avail­able for re­search use through Tutkain pro­ject 15.01.2020
Pear­son e-text­books on trial at Uni­ver­sity of Vaasa 14.01.2020
New e-books for Uni­ver­sity of Vaasa 14.01.2020
Changes in li­brary ser­vice hours from 7.1.2020 - open­ing hours re­main the same 20.12.2019
Ex­cep­tional open­ing hours in De­cem­ber and Jan­u­ary 03.12.2019
Sta­tista on trial at Uni­ver­sity of Vaasa and VAMK 23.09.2019
Dig it, Higher Ed­u­ca­tion! Higher Ed­u­ca­tion Ped­a­gogy Day on 12 Sep­tem­ber 04.09.2019
Wel­come, new stu­dent! 29.08.2019
Tri­to­nia Al­le­gro opens 19.8 15.08.2019
Hav­ing trou­ble log­ging in to Finna? Change PIN! 04.07.2019
Tri­to­nia has changed to Koha - an open source li­brary sys­tem 02.07.2019
Open guest lec­ture 5.6 1pm: Loida Gar­cia-Febo, the ALA Pres­i­dent 04.06.2019
Li­brary sum­mer open­ing hours 10.05.2019
Wiley agree­ment ex­tended until end of 2019 08.04.2019
Uni­ver­sal bor­row­ing from the Na­tional Repos­i­tory Li­brary will end - re­placed by in­ter­li­brary loans ser­vice 21.03.2019
O’Reilly Sa­fari Learn­ing Plat­form now avail­able for VAMK – new and more com­pre­hen­sive e-book ser­vice 18.03.2019
El­libs app avail­able 22.02.2019
Tay­lor & Fran­cis agree­ment ended - con­tin­ued ac­cess to part of the jour­nals (Uni­ver­sity of Vaasa) 11.02.2019
FinELib ne­go­ti­a­tions with Tay­lor & Fran­cis hit a wall 29.01.2019
Ac­cess to Tay­lor & Fran­cis and Wiley elec­tronic pub­li­ca­tions at risk 22.01.2019
Anne Lehto elected as the chair­per­son of The Finnish Uni­ver­sity Li­braries’ Net­work 09.01.2019
FinELib’s ne­go­ti­a­tions with Tay­lor & Fran­cis and Wiley: A Chal­leng­ing sit­u­a­tion 18.12.2018
Ex­cep­tional open­ing hours in De­cem­ber and Jan­u­ary 04.12.2018
Sta­tista on trial at Uni­ver­sity of Vaasa and VAMK 24.10.2018
In­ter­na­tional Open Ac­cess Week 22-28.10.2018 22.10.2018
The user ac­count in Finna will be re­newed 9.10 09.10.2018
Busi­ness Source Ul­ti­mate and Har­vard Busi­ness Re­view Press eBook Col­lec­tion on trial at the Uni­ver­sity of Vaasa 12.06.2018
The li­brary is again open all sum­mer 22.05.2018
Prob­lems with Hot­mail email 14.05.2018
Ser­vice breaks in ar­ti­cles search func­tion 13.5-14.5 09.05.2018
Ger­man Filmweek in Tri­to­nia 5.3-10.3.2018 20.02.2018
New lay­out for Tri­to­nia Finna, on­line pay­ment in­tro­duced 29.01.2018
Tri­to­nia PopUp on Wolffin­tie 24.01.2018
Ex­cep­tional open­ing hours in De­cem­ber and Jan­u­ary 05.12.2017
Fin­land 100 Ju­bilee Ex­hi­bi­tion 14.11.2017
Have you read today's news­pa­pers? 13.11.2017
MOT Kokon­ais­palvelu on trial 07.11.2017
Open Ac­cess Week Quiz 19.10.2017
Uni­ver­sity of Vaasa re­search rooms not avail­able for rent for stu­dents from 1.1.2018 15.09.2017
Tri­to­nia Yliopis­ton­ranta ex­tends its open­ing hours 01.09.2017
Peda-fo­rum -con­fer­ence 16th-17th Au­gust 2017 in Vaasa 14.08.2017
Cash pay­ment has ended at Yliopis­ton­ranta 13.07.2017
UNIFI press re­lease: UNIFI fully sup­ports goals of FinELib con­sor­tium in El­se­vier ne­go­ti­a­tions 21.06.2017
The li­brary will be open all sum­mer! 28.04.2017
The Nun­nankatu li­brary will move 26.04.2017
Li­brary user sur­vey now open 10.04.2017
Ebrary is now Ebook Cen­tral 04.04.2017
Sur­vey on LibGuides 31.03.2017
Fin­land 100 years - ju­bilee ex­hi­bi­tion 13.03.2017
Ger­man Filmweek in Tri­to­nia 5.3-10.3.2018 20.02.2017
Finna has re­placed Tria and Nelli 11.01.2017
The li­braries at Sar­jakatu and Raas­tu­vankatu have moved to Yliopis­ton­ranta 10.01.2017
Li­brary ser­vices at the turn of the year 30.12.2016
Finnish higher ed­u­ca­tion and re­search in­sti­tutes con­tinue ne­go­ti­a­tions on open ac­cess with El­se­vier 22.12.2016
Take the Finna sur­vey – and win a tablet! 07.12.2016
Lucia pro­ces­sion at Tri­to­nia 13.12 02.12.2016
Christ­mas open­ing hours 23.11.2016
Re­turn­ing books from the Raas­tu­vankatu unit 16.11.2016
Smart­phone charg­ing sta­tion now at Yliopis­ton­ranta 10.11.2016
The li­braries at Sar­jakatu and Raas­tu­vankatu move to Yliopis­ton­ranta 07.11.2016
Open Ac­cess Café for re­searchers 27.10.2016 24.10.2016
Raas­tu­vankatu unit closed 17-21.10 and 27-28.10 12.10.2016
Re­turn box at Yliopis­ton­ranta in use again 07.09.2016
Tria and Nelli will be re­placed by Finna 31.12.2016 24.08.2016
Quick guid­ance to the li­brary ser­vices 22.08.2016
Wel­come, new stu­dents! 22.08.2016
Li­brary ser­vices in July 07.06.2016
Tri­to­nia Yliopis­ton­ranta open all sum­mer 12.05.2016
Ex­tended open­ing hours at the Sar­jakatu unit 07.03.2016
Sur­vey for stu­dents, re­searchers and staff at Åbo Akademi Uni­ver­sity 07.03.2016
Ger­man week 7.3-12.3.2016 24.02.2016
New silent study rooms at the Yliopis­ton­ranta unit 19.02.2016
Tri­to­nia at Han­ken on Tues­days 25.01.2016
Tri­to­nia at Han­ken Tues­days 25.01.2016
E-books sup­port­ing stud­ies and teach­ing – a sur­vey 21.01.2016
The unit on Sar­jakatu closed 22.1 21.01.2016
Ser­vice breaks in the Nelli por­tal 14.01.2016
The unit on Sar­jakatu closed 15.1 14.01.2016
Christ­mas open­ing hours 14.12.2015
Ser­vice break in Nelli 09.12.2015
Ex­cep­tional open­ing hours on Fri­day, De­cem­ber 11 01.12.2015
Tri­to­nia Satel­lite at Acad­e­mill on Thurs­days 23.11.2015
Ser­vice break in Tria 12.11.2015
Pick-up time for re­served books will shorten 21.10.2015
Open­ing hours dur­ing the au­tumn hol­i­days 07.10.2015
Raas­tu­vankatu is closed 1.10 and 2.10 01.10.2015
New stu­dents: Apply for a li­brary card on­line 24.08.2015
Quick guid­ance to the li­brary ser­vices 18.08.2015
LibGuides – Find the most es­sen­tial re­sources within your field 29.06.2015
Tri­to­nia’s new web­site will be pub­lished 1.7 29.06.2015
Sum­mer open­ing hours 18.05.2015
New li­brary ser­vices at Tri­to­nia Yliopis­ton­ranta 07.01.2015
Christ­mas open­ing hours 04.12.2014
In­de­pen­dence Day open­ing hours 01.12.2014
Lex­is­Nexis on trial at the Uni­ver­sity of Vaasa 12.11.2014
Ex­cep­tions in the open­ing hours 27.10.2014
Open­ing hours dur­ing the au­tumn hol­i­days (13.10-19.10) 09.10.2014
Self-ser­vice at the Raas­tu­vankatu unit on Tues­day and Wednes­day 30.09.2014
ÅA re­searchers: Re­search rooms for rent 23.09.2014
Web pub­lish­ing of Mas­ter’s the­ses at Åbo Akademi Uni­ver­sity 15.09.2014
Ap­ply­ing for re­search rooms (Uni­ver­sity of Vaasa) 10.09.2014
Find e-text­books with QR codes 10.09.2014
Au­tumn open­ing hours 26.08.2014
Quick guid­ance to the li­brary ser­vices 25.08.2014
New stu­dents: Apply for a li­brary card on­line 13.08.2014
Sum­mer open­ing hours 28.05.2014
As­cen­sion Day open­ing hours 26.05.2014
Google Scholar’s li­brary links 15.05.2014
Open­ing hours this week (18) 28.04.2014
Easter open­ing hours 10.04.2014
Tri­to­nia’s open­ing hours in April and May 26.03.2014
Ger­man Week at Tri­to­nia 17.3-22.3.2014 10.03.2014
Open­ing hours dur­ing the win­ter hol­i­days 18.02.2014
Ebsco e-re­sources on trial 10.02.2014
Place for rent for ÅA re­searcher in the re­searchers' tower at Tri­to­nia 10.02.2014
Open­ing hours on Feb­ru­ary 13 06.02.2014
Sum­mary of cus­tomer feed­back 2013 22.01.2014
Silent study theme week 13.1-19.1 09.01.2014
In­for­ma­tion ser­vice open­ing hours 30.12.2013
Open­ing hours dur­ing Christ­mas hol­i­days 12.12.2013
Key­cards and cab­i­net keys 09.12.2013
Ex­cep­tions in the open­ing hours this week 03.12.2013
Dig­i­tal mag­a­zine ser­vice on trial at the Uni­ver­sity of Vaasa 28.11.2013
Re­searcher at Åbo Akademi Uni­ver­sity: Are you in­ter­ested in rent­ing a place in the re­searchers’ tower? 28.11.2013
Li­brary's user sur­vey 2013 - The re­sults 03.10.2013
© Tritonia 2014-2025