University of Vaasa has subscribed to the Taylor & Francis and Wiley e-journal databases via the FinELib consortium. The current licenses negotiated by the FinELib consortium, granting access to e-resources published by Taylor & Francis and Wiley, expired at the end of 2018. Negotiations are ongoing, but it is doubtful whether they will be successful. If not, access to articles published by T&F and Wiley will be cut off. Therefore, researchers should download all necessary materials immediately. Please note that according to user terms set by publishers, it is permitted to download reasonable portions of content at a time, mass downloading is not permitted.
Taylor & Francis and Wiley have notified us that researchers will continue to have access to the material until the end of January 2019. Researchers can access materials published by these publishers until the end of the current license period.
FinELib’s goals in the negotiations are: prices of scholarly publications must be reasonable and information must be openly available. So far mutual understanding of the costs has not been reached.
FinELib is a consortium of Finnish universities, research institutions and public libraries. It negotiates e-resource license agreements for the Finnish scholarly community.