The loan period for textbooks can be extended if you can prove that you have a reading disability. The information on the extended loan period is registered on approval by the student. Your loan period for textbooks will be 3 weeks.
Make an appointment with the loans coordinator at your library unit. If you have a dyslexia assessment, bring it to the meeting. You can also bring a recommendation for special arrangements in your studies from your university or university of applied sciences.
Talking books and e-textbooks: Celia produces and lends works of fiction and non-fiction in the form of talking books, Braille and/or e-books to print. Service is for disabled users, free of charge.
We will be pleased to assist you with finding and fetching books. Book transports between our units is free of charge for physically handicapped students. This service does not apply to short loans, which are not being transported.
You can renew your loans, make reservations and pay overdue fees on the web.
Accessibility contact person: Information Services Advisor Vesa Perkiömäki,, 029-449 8243