Overdue fees

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Overdue fees

When loans are returned late, overdue fees accrue according to the library’s service charges. If the borrower has unpaid overdue fees of a total of 10 € or more, a patron block will take effect. A borrower with a patron block cannot borrow, reserve or renew books. The patron block is removed when the overdue fees are paid (total charge or minimum amount).

For staff at University of Vaasa, VAMK and Novia daily overdue fees do not accrue. However, a patron block will take effect for staff members, if loans are not returned despite several requests. The patron block is removed when the requested material has been returned and the fee (10€) has been paid.

The maximum overdue fee is 10 €/loan. For short loans, the maximum overdue fee is 12 €/loan. 

If loans are not returned, though several requests have been made, the library sends an invoice for the material. Compensation also has to be paid for damaged, destroyed and lost material.

Compensation fees

Books are considered lost* if they are not returned for 50 days after the due date. If the loan is not returned despite the return requests and warning of invoice, the library will send the customer an invoice for the material to be replaced (minimum 80 €/book). After the invoice is sent, the material becomes the customer's property and can no longer be returned to the library. See Service charges.


*By agreement, the book can be replaced by bringing a new copy.


The fees we collect are based on the Universities Act (558/2009), the Act on Criteria for Charges Payable to the State (150/1992), the Goverment Decree on fees for university services (1082/2009) and the Debt Collection Act (513/1999).


Paying charges

Overdue fees can be paid online in your Finna account. Tritonia in Vaasa accepts card payment. The maximum fee charged at a time is 100 euro.

Online payment in Tritonia Finna

You can pay online in Tritonia Finna with Finnish netbanks and credit/debit cards. You can pay overdue fines online for loans that have been returned or renewed.
When paying online, you have to pay the total charge.


  • Log in to your university's Finna
  • Go to Your Account and Fees
  • Choose Pay Online
  • After completing the payment, go back to Finna to make sure the payment is registered in Finna without delay.
  • Online payment is not possible during service breaks.

Payment Service Provider

Paytrail Plc acts as a collecting payment service provider and is an authorized Payment Institution. Paytrail Plc will be shown as the recipient on your bank or credit card statement. Paytrail Plc forwards the payment to the merchant. 


Paytrail PLC, Business ID: 2122839-7

Innova 2
Lutakonaukio 7
40100 Jyväskylä
Phone: 0207 181830

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