Interlibrary loans for customers

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If you are a registered customer at Tritonia, you are entitled to use the interlibrary loans service.

You can request an interlibrary loan by filling in the e-form (1 order per form).

Once you have made a request for an interlibrary loan, you are committed to paying for it. You will be invoiced also for interlibrary loans and articles that you have not picked up. Loan period and other conditions are set by the lending library. The customer is obliged to compensate lost or damaged interlibrary loans as billed by sending library.


You can renew your loan by contacting the interlibrary loans service

Our interlibrary loans service will only return books borrowed through us. For copyright reasons, we always print articles delivered in PDF format.


Are you writing your thesis?

Students writing their thesis are entitled to free interlibrary loans for their thesis provided that they are registered customers at Tritonia and the interlibrary loan request is made at Tritonia. This applies to:

  • Students at the University of Vaasa writing their Bachelor's thesis or Master's thesis
  • Students at VAMK University of Applied Sciences writing their thesis
  • Students at Novia University of Applied Sciences writing their thesis 

Students are obliged to submit a certificate to the interlibrary loans service to prove that they have begun writing their thesis. The certificate must be signed by their supervisor for the thesis. Alternatively, the supervisor can send an email with the student’s name, university, degree programme and type of thesis to

NB! Starting April 1, 2024, students can obtain five (5) interlibrary loan items per thesis for free against the certificate. The rest of the interlibrary loans (books or articles) requested for the thesis are paid by the student.

Interlibrary loans service offers print material, which is to be picked up at Tritonia and returned to Tritonia.

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